Oh lord I have to thy door with truth and sincerity;
Hold my hand with mercy for I have little or no provisions for a long journey.
Although I have committed many sins You can easily pardon all.
I am poor for good deeds and am Thy slave, a humble sinner.
Thy slave is given to sins and negligence after negligence
But you are a perpetual source of bounty and blessings!
Oh Lord my sins are as countless as the grains of sand,
Yet pardon all of them by Thy special favor and mercy.
O Lord Command the fires of hell to be cool for me
Just as You Commanded it in the case of Khalil;
“O fire be cool and peaceful for Abraham.”
Oh Allah! Preserve me from every ailment. And fulfill all my needs.
For I have a sick heart but it is You who cures all ills.
In all our troubles and needs you are certainly sufficient for us;
You are my Creator and Sustainer and You are my best Patron.
O Lord Grant me, the treasure of Thy bounty. For You are generous and bounteous.
Grant me what is in my heart, and show me the best Guidance.
Oh Lord how miserable is my plight, my sins are countless
And the sum total of my good deeds is very little.
O Lord, on the day when Gabriel is the prosecutor and You are the Judge,
Deliver us from the fear of Hell and grant us a vast and peaceful country as our Abode.
Alas… where is Moses where is Jesus where is John and where is Noah….
Oh Siddique you are a sinner therefore repent to Thy Lord…
This isn't an original poem. This is actually a prayer of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(RA), the first Caliph of Islam.
I'd appreciate if you put a reference to it, it seems like plagiarization otherwise.
This is a favorite du'a of his, there's no reference implying he wrote it.
Thank you.
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